txtPTAHSoftInfo = "PTAHSoft is a joung swiss software compagny. Our activities are especially the development of business software and the entreprise network engineering." & NL
txtPTAHSoftInfo = txtPTAHSoftInfo & NL
txtPTAHSoftInfo = txtPTAHSoftInfo & "Since we are based in Switzerland we have to deal with many languages (french, german and italian) so we had to develop a tool to simplify the process of translating and to allows a dynamic change of the language by the user at runtime." & NL
txtPTAHSoftInfo = txtPTAHSoftInfo & NL
txtPTAHSoftInfo = txtPTAHSoftInfo & "If you are intested in such a tool, you can found it on CompuServe in the Visual Basic Forum (GO MSBASIC)."